20 January 2022, 7.00pm – 10.00pm

Invite to the Year 8 Virtual Options Evening Thursday January 20th 6pm onwards

To make your child’s transition to Frome College in September as smooth as possible while working within the limitations of the current COVID situation, we are running a virtual option evening event on the 20th January. At 6pm our site will go live and parents can access it to view talks designed to explain and support their choice of subjects and outline clearly the mechanism and timeline for the application and follow up process.

Link to the webpage: https://portal.fromecollege.org/yr9options2022

Housed on the page are talks from the Principal and Senior Assistant Principal, alongside all of the subject videos, the options booklet and a sheet detailing frequently asked questions. If there are further questions about any of the options these can be submitted using the link on the page and we will coordinate a reply from the most suitable subject leader asap. We hope you can log on and join us on Thursday and please contact us should you have any other questions.


John Robson Senior Assistant Principal - Curriculum